Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sue Scheff: Internet Defamation, Invasion of Privacy - The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict for Damages

Finally it is almost here, my story of surviving Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy.

On September 1st, Google Bomb, The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet will be on book shelves and online - giving you the inside - and backside of my landmark case.The reviews and endorsements have been explosive! Click here to read them.

As the defendant is now being forced into involuntary bankruptcy, my story will help those that are feeling helpless and powerless to cyber slander - and hopefully give you the power to fight back and rise above Internet Defamation. Google Bomb will offer practical guidance to help you maintain your online image.

Even if you feel since you don't use social networking such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc.... remember, you are at risk too - someone may take it upon themselves to create their own vision of "you".

Free speech is something I believe in wholeheartedly, however it does not condone Internet Defamation.